
Health Benefits of Glamping Before Back to School Season

Health Benefits of Glamping

As we gear up to send our kids back into the classrooms, giving them that last chance to get out their energy and excitement in the great outdoors can help get their little minds ready to learn. What better way to do that than in a comfortable glamping accommodation with the Alberta or Saskatchewan wilds just outside your door? The health benefits of glamping before the back-to-school season are many!

Clean, Fresh Air

We forget what a breath of fresh air can do for us when we’re caught up in the concrete jungle day in and day out. Fresh, outdoor air comes with the benefit of giving you extra energy, boosting your immune system, improving brain and lung function and making you feel good! Breathing fresh air actually increases endorphins!


The summer is one of the best times to get the kids active outdoors and this is especially true when you’re out glamping. Hiking, biking, swimming, canoeing, kayaking and numerous other outdoor activities are loads of fun and get our kids moving. Give them that last chance to run wild before school starts!

A Restful Sleep

We can get a bit off our routines in the summer with sleepovers, late-night activities and more, but the benefits of a good night’s sleep can make your entire day different. Studies have shown it takes as little as three days to develop a routine and when the sunrise and sunset are so prevalent in a glamping environment, our bodies recognize the cues and may get us into bed earlier than at home. Not to mention the amount of playing and adventuring you’ll be doing, sleep will seem easy.

Quality time

The one on one time when glamping could be the memories your kids will hold onto their entire lives. Having their parents’ undivided attention while out in the mountains or the wilds is something kids won’t forget. Spending time with the ones you love around the fire telling bedtime stories, playing games and going on adventures is what they’ll cherish. Create that magic together and book a stay with us!

Additional Health Benefits

Who knew going outside could be this good for you? Here are some additional health benefits to glamping and spending time outdoors:


  • Increased endorphins
  • Unplugging from technology and social media
  • Increased exposure to vitamin D
  • Reduces stress levels
  • Enhanced family relationships


Glamping is a wonderful way to reconnect as a family and have a chance to get away from the business of your usual schedules. We have several gorgeous glamping locations for you to visit and comfortable, luxurious accommodations on each site! However you choose to spend the end of your summer, be sure to take the kids outside!